ENGLISH(EN) Privacy Policy Last Updated: 14.05.2024 This page explains the privacy policy for the Todo Todaily application users.

Types of Data Collected Todo Todaily does not collect any personal data from users. The application may access data stored locally on users' phones and use this data to enhance the functionality of the application. This local data may include:

RevenueCat Subscription Management

Our app uses RevenueCat for subscription management. RevenueCat is a third-party service that handles subscription lifecycle events like purchasing, renewing, and canceling. We do not have access to, nor do we store, any personal payment information. The processing of payments is entirely managed by RevenueCat and is subject to their Privacy Policy.

Security of Data

Given that no personal data is collected through our Service, there are no data security measures related to personal data. However, the security and privacy of any data managed by the App Store or RevenueCat are subject to their respective privacy policies.

Data Usage and Storage Todo Todaily may use any collected data to provide the services offered, improve user experience, and maintain the functionality of the application. This data is stored locally on the user's phone and processed by the application. The data remains in local storage until deleted by the user.

Data Sharing and Disclosure Todo Todaily does not share or disclose user data with third parties. All data is stored locally on the user's phone and accessed by the application.

Changes to the Privacy Policy This privacy policy reserves the right to make changes. When new policies come into effect, they will be updated on this page.

Contact Information If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

TÜRKÇE(TR) Son güncelleme tarihi: [16.04.2024] Bu sayfa, Todo Todaily uygulamasının kullanıcılarına yönelik gizlilik politikasını açıklamaktadır.

Toplanan Veri Türleri Todo Todaily, kullanıcıların kişisel verilerini toplamaz. Uygulama, kullanıcıların telefonlarında yerel olarak saklanan verilere erişebilir ve bu verileri uygulamanın işlevselliğini sağlamak için kullanabilir. Bu yerel veriler şunları içerebilir: